Thursday, November 5, 2009

Pig Fever

Like all good cats I have been concerned with the H1N1 virus. Cat's CAN catch the virus from humans and one of my buddies in the state of Iowa just recently recovered.

Here is a list of swine flu (H1N1 virus) symptoms in cats. I have tested myself against this list of possible symptoms:
  • lethargy - CHECK!
  • loss of appetite - Definitely NOT CHECK!
  • coughing - NO
  • sneezing - Sometimes, but very deliCATely
  • breathing with mouth open - Only when I am biting your hand
I guess I don't have it - thank goodness. But cats, watch yourself... Those humans can get you sick with their germs!


Joella said...

DeliCATe. lol.

your mom said...

you might not have H1N1, but it looks like you have jaundice. so either way, QUARANTINE!