Sunday, March 23, 2008

Snowshoe hares and a new friend

Hi Everyone!

I want to thank everyone for their kind birthday wishes. I had a great party and enjoyed my new double-wide scratcher with capnip and a delicious tuna fish dinner.

For Easter I got to spend some time out and about exploring after the giant snowstorm we got on Friday that scared away all of the birds and squirrels. We got about 6 or 7 inches in just one night!

The snow is so cold! But after I got used to it it was really fun. I'm not a fan of the cars driving by though. They are much too loud and fast. I followed some kitty and rabbit trails around for a while but was not able to find anything today. Oh well, maybe next time.

I also made a great new friend. I'm not to sure what his name is yet, because he doesn't seem to know, but I think it was Tucker or Watson or something like that. I'm sure he'll decide soon, but in the meantime I can induct him as an honorary member of the feline order and teach him our much cooler ways. I can't wait to take him for walks.

Have a great week!


1 comment:

noyb said...

hold up. is your cat on a leash? that cat lets you put it on a leash???? my cats would destroy me.