Saturday, March 15, 2008

The big 0-5!

I've been waiting for this for a while-- Today, March 15th is my 5th birthday, that's 20 of your measly human years. I may go get a massage or perhaps a pedicure, but I'm hoping I get some extra special toys to replace the ones that I destroyed. This evening, I'm planning on having a few of the neighborhood cats over for some laser-chasing, Kogepan-fetching, and perhaps some pizza. Pizza, pizza, pizza! I hope everyone has a wonderful day. I can see that we are in the homestretch for Spring to arrive and I'm very excited about that. There have been a few days where the windows have been opened and the birds are slowly returning. Oh, and beware Idus Martiae.



Bureaucrat310 said...

Happy Birthday Cameo! Don't eat too much cake. I'm glad you're no longer a teenager--now you have to be nice.

Lucy said...

Happy BD Cam. Hope you had a nice day

Joella said...

Happy Bday Cameo. Your dad smells (but you know that).