The pressure, however, has driven me to new limits and self medication. Now, I consume a bit of catnip here and there and I don't have any problems with it. It's fairly easy to obtain. Usually in my apartment there is a bag or two just lying around. I usually don't even notice it, but sometimes I do and I just can't control myself. That is the point where I start to worry. But man this stuff is just so good. Since I've been dealing with my very public shame, I've been going to the sweet-sticky much more often than normal. My friends say that it's not addictive physiologically, but I just don't know. Should I be worried?
Step 1: find bag
Step 2: sniff bag, assess quality and age of contents
Step 3: tear that bag a new one
Step 4: remove contents
Step 5: consume contents via nose and mouth
Step 5: aww, yeah
Step 7: sit back, enjoy the ride
Repeat as necessary.